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— D e s c r i p t i o n — |
ReZound aims to be a stable, open source, and graphical audio file editor primarily for but not limited to the Linux operating system. |
— W h a t ' s N e x t — |
Not particularly ordered:
— N e w s — |
From CVS to SVN 2008-01-26 21:16 - ReZound 0.12.3beta Release 2007-01-13 19:43 - ReZound 0.12.1beta Release 2005-09-03 18:01 - ReZound 0.12.0beta Release 2005-04-30 23:00 - ReZound 0.11.1beta Release 2004-10-26 08:38 - ReZound 0.11.0beta Release 2004-10-23 17:34 - ReZound 0.10.0beta Release 2004-09-06 09:05 - ReZound 0.9.0beta Release 2003-11-11 13:43 - ReZound |
— G o a l s f o r R e Z o u n d — |
— C u r r e n t F e a t u r e s — |
- File Formats: - Native ReZound - WAVE (libaudiofile) - AIFF/AIFF-C (libaudiofile) - NeXT/Sun (libaudiofile) - Berkeley/IRCAM/CARL (libaudiofile) - raw (libaudiofile) - Ogg Vorbis (libogg and libvorbis) - MPEG Layer-3,2,1 (lame) - FLAC (preliminary) (libFLAC LIBFLAC++) - MIDI Sample Dump Standard (/dev/midi) - Audio I/O Interfaces - OSS (default) - ALSA - PortAudio ( ) - JACK ( ) - File Operations - Standard: New, Open, Save, Save As, Close, Revert - Reopen History - Save Selection As - Save As Multiple Files (according to cue positions) - Burn to CD - Either 16bit integer or 32bit floating point can be chosen as the interal sample format - Fast Editing of Large Files - Undo - Labeled Cue Positions - Cues can be dragged - Automatic Crossfading of Selection Edges on All Applicable Actions to Create Smooth Transitions - Ability to Save User Notes on Formats that Support them - Macros Allow a User To Record a Sequence of Changes to a File and Repeat Those Actions on Other Files Later. - User-Definable Key Bindings to Actions - Recording - Realtime Level Meters (display also when not recording) - Record Time Limit Setting - Record can Actually Start when a Given Audio Threshold is Met - Start and Pause Recording - Can Reset the Record Position to the Beginning While Recording - Add Cue Positions While Recording - Compensation for DC Offset in Recording Hardware - Play Controls - Play All Once - Play All Looped - Play Selection Once - Play Selection to End - Play Selection Looped - Play Selection Looped and Skip Most of the Middle - Play Selection Looped but Add a Gap Before Repeating - Stop - Pause - Jump to Beginning - Jump to Selection Start - Jump to Previous Cue - Jump to Next Cue - Shuttle Play Position Control - Play from Mouse Cursor (hold ctrl and use left and right mouse buttons) - Playback Meters - Toggle-able - Audio Level Meters - Balance Meter - Stereo Phase Meters - Frequency Analyzer - Full Featured Editing Tools - Copy - Copy to New - Cut - Cut to New - Delete - Crop - Paste (all types allow for a "Repeat Count" or "Repeat Time" when pasting) - Insert - Replace - Overwrite - Limited Overwrite - Mix - Limited Mix - Fit Mix - Paste to New - Insert Silence - Mute - Add Channels - Duplicate Channel - Remove Channels - Swap Channels - Rotate Selection Left - Rotate Selection Right - Various Selection Tools - LADSPA Plugin Support - Various Effects/Manipulations - Reverse - Change Volume - Gain (by constant or curve) - Change Rate (by constant or curve) - Flange - Delay (Echo) - Quantize - Distortion (by a curve) - Varied Repeat - Convolution - For Various Effects Like Reverb and Applying Room Characteristics - Arbitrary FIR Filter (the user can draw their own frequency response) - Morphing Arbitrary FIR Filter (the user can draw two frequency responses and have it morph between them) - IIR Single Pole Filters - Lowpass - Highpass - Bandpass - Notch - Biquad Resonant Filters - Lowpass - Highpass - Bandpass - Looping Tools (much more to come) - Make Selection Symetric - Add N Equally Spaced Cues - Add a Cue Every X Seconds - Mastering/Remastering Tools (more to come) - Balance/Pan (by constant or curve) - Monoize (mix down channels or make all the channels the same) - Noise Gate - Dynamic Range Compression - Normalization - Adaptive Normalize - Mark Quiet Areas (with cues) - Shorten Quiet Areas - Resample - Change Pitch - Change Tempo - Remove DC Component - Invert Phase - Generate Various Colors of Noise - Generate Various Timbres of a frequency - Selectable LFO Shapes for Actions that Use an LFO (more to come) - Dynamic Menu Layout (no frontend interface for easy user-defining yet) - gettext support (i18n, internationalization) - Russian - German - Spanish - Finnish - Tested Platforms Mandrake 9.1(and upwards)/x86 RH9/x86 RH7.3/x86 BSD/x86 Debian/alpha Debian/x86 Solaris/Sun |
ReZound © 1998 - 2008 Davy Durham
original web site design by Will Jayroe & now maintained by Davy Durham